Well I try not to make this entry as a movie review, but in 3D after somewhat 12 years, oh golly, so many feeelings. My Darth Maul, I fall for him hard back then, still do lol. Still looking like the 'pocket sith' walking beside Nute Gunray and Rune Haako (I know he will be ridiculously annoyed by that). My Obi-wan so beautiful in his tragically loosing his mentor, brother, father, family Master Qui-Gon. I find myself that I could take the Gungan but I just couldn't stand the boy lol! My poor Jake Lloyd, I have no doubt he was a good actor, the boy played Timmy in The Pretender and I felt for that character but.. Lucas have a knack of destroying an actor's potential.. I knew he did with Hayden was catastrophic grand scale in the sequels. The meal conversation in Anakin's home with his mom, Qui-gon, Amidala and Gungan Jar Jar was painful to watch.
But the pod racing scenes were extended which made Ani's winning feel more celebrated. The handmaiden decoy was lame, anyone could see that Padme who goes out on her way in introducing herself on Tattooine to the Jedi and Anakin, suddenly absent in Coruscant :P but it does have an appeal to first time viewer.

Maul's background was now much much more extended since 1999. He sound like a broken soul that needed to be rescued in the extended books - Saboteur and Shadow Hunter. As I look on his background in the wikia, he have siblings in Clone Wars animation. They was a storyline that brought him back as himself and clones like beating a dead horse only to get him kill again and again which is pointless lol, like Starwars South Park, they keep killing Maul.
Maul's society from the planet where he came from sounds like a kinky dominatrix amazonian tribe. The women are all Amazonian powerful force-user cum witch which took their men (zabrak hybrid) for mating and slavery. Oh! for the love of Castiel, so many kinky bdsm undertones lol. So Maul's mom gave him to Palpy Siddious in hope that he could get away from that 'slavery mating' lifestyle into another form of servitude? Hmm which is the lesser of the two evil, I wonder.
And Ray Park.. what can I say, still waiting for the next G.I. Joe, will we ever get to hear Snake Eyes' voice or see his face?
My most background information of Obi-wan and his dynamic with Master Qui-Gon is from Jedi Apprentice Series (at the time, it was only that, no wikia or anything like that). There was a love interest for Obiwan in Clone Wars animation, her name is Satine, how fitting that Ewan's character in Moulin Rouge was also in love with his Satine (Nicole Kidman). Epic love story with epic love song that one.
Never fall in love with a woman who sells herself. It always ends bad! - Moulin Rouge
Oh well so much for Starwars and its extended universes.
I wrote this at the death of Qui-Gon Jinn from Obi-wan point of view at my fanfiction.net site :P
Train Him
by Mila
Train him
That was your last words to me
No words of love
No words of hope
No words of regret
Just these words
Train him
You are so certain
With death lingering in your eyes
He is the chosen one
You said
How can I possibly argue anymore?
The council had said
His future is clouded
I sense the danger he might become
But you
You saw something full of promises
Do you know how I felt?
Taking this responsible
It felt like a child
Wielding his father's gun
Such power the boy holds
Such faith you have for me
Train him
You said
Words rolling out of your lips
As I cradle you
As death slowly claim you
Train him
You said
And then nothing more
You have joined the Force
Where someday I will be
Train him
You said
And I will
That is my promise to you
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