Friday, May 13, 2011

To do or not to do, that is the question

I don't have confidence. Somehow doing vid is so much easier than writing fic. But I finally have one finish.. *sigh*. I'm always a Dean/Cas girl... but this muse wouldn't let me go so this is Meg/Cas (because of that effing hawt kiss they do duhhh!) and it is NC-17!!! (So now you know why I categorise my blog to adult) egadzzz... well nobody's gonna read it.. and i'm just gonna put the excerpt here lol!

I really thought of sending it to a beta in meg_castiel lj community.. Maybe I just put the whole fic at go la la la la on my merry way...maybe I should? *sigh* maybe I shouldn't... I'll think about it some more :P

Working title : The darkness to your light, the hatred to your love
Working tagline : "certain regrettable things are now required of me" 
meg background is inspired by merlin.
spoiler until 6.20
Meg/Cas nc-17
warning violence, semi-consensual
you know supernatural tv series? You're good to go 
Excerpt ....

He returned some time later. She thought he was finally going to kill her. She curled her lips at him and snarled. "What's the matter Clarence? You back for more?"

In the blink of an eye he was in front of her and grabbing her neck. She felt his fingers burn. And then he kissed her, it was a bruising and domineering kiss but she felt something stirring inside of her nonetheless. When he released her, she was breathless and found herself looking at his cold blue eyes. Suddenly she felt his fingers touch her neck. Something is forming around it, something cold. She felt the chains disappear. She looked down and saw it was a steel ring around her neck; it was the same steel that made the chains. He yanked it and  brought her face close to his.

"Who owns you Morgane?" he spoke.

The name made her shrink into herself, she hasn't heard that name for hundreds of years. It was her human name. Meg was the name of her previous host. The Winchester brothers kept calling her that and there was no need to correct them. She'd learned that she had to guard to her true name because of the dangers it holds if others knew and at this moment she knew exactly what it meant. He yanked her collar again, snapping her out of her thoughts, waiting for her answer. How did he know?

"You." she had to answer.

Satisfied with her answer, it was the first time she'd seen his expression change. He had this proud smirk on his face. He traced the colar, she saw it was in Enochian. And then she felt the steel colar sink into her skin and around her demon form. She realised that even if she changed her host body, he would always find her, that much she knows. She cursed inwardly. As she watched him leave, she wondered about the colar, there were Enochian letters carved on it. She could only guess that it was a name it bore because it had seven letters. Castiel.

Castiel kisses like a pro even tho this is his first :P
Angel + porn = Angel Boner lol!

by ILoveThesePeople

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